..to myself,wishes all the best and may my dream will come true..semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki!Bebeh tq for the cakes and suprise too..really appricate it so much.Syukur alhamdulillah aku telah hidup selama 22tahun.. semoga sihat selalu!
arghh when im gonna be succesful in mylife? im still waiting~ Ya Allah kuatkan semangat hamba mu ini untuk terus berjaya.
and tonite i want to be alone and find some place to sit and thinking,syukur alhamdulillah.Mengharapkan seribu peningkatan didalam diri and hidupku.. semoga dimurahkan rezeki dah dimakbulkan cita2 yang teramat tinggi tidak terhingga.The celebration still the same like another year.Smile for myself,sit and thinking nicely..confused and not happy is around.
What do I want for my birthday?
Forgiveness is all I ask. Nothing more.I ask for forgiveness for all my failures in the past,and all my failures to come. Forgiveness for failing everyone, but myself.
Thank you, family and friends.For your support,love and guidance in my 22 years of my life.I love all of you. *wink*
Esok dah puasa,dah nak raya siol... Ramadhan is coming,bulan islam yang paling terbaik..i hope i will be more better on this Ramadhan al-mubarak,ya Allah kuatkan iman and perbaiki diri aku,jangan lupa solat dan berdoa agar dimurahkan rezeki :)
I will try harder this time,i want to enter the flying academy lah.. boringnya :( ..haihz love case is still the same :( i will be sad,bebeh change it please if u want be with me..may this Ramadhan give u alot of improvement :) insyAllah.mwah!
Life goes on,wtf with my class keep ponteng the class..oh im scared final is coming.. and im getting old,i need to work and find new life.. come on dude,ya Allah berikan aku kekuatan untuk mengubah hidup hamba mu ini.. :(
Oh dude im so fucking sad,just dunno how to understand it anymore.. the situation around me,hah fuck it just leave it..yeah that is what im trying to do always and always.. but the reality i still need to face it.. im just a normal human!
im just so dissapointed about the reality,the person that i know that im not suppose to know who is she.. but everythings happen,happen for a reason..what i can say is everything came from Allah,hadapi dengan penuh kekuatan.I just do need a liar inside my life forever.I want to live in the good way and happiness.
aiyo fever lah,cannot tahan wei...dada sakit doink! i know why,14stick or ciggarate in 1hour :D ..jangan mati dah lah :( my dream havent reach yet! ..eh today i realize something after found this quote at somewhere,"If someone hurts you,betrays you or breaks your heart,forgive them because they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart..that's life huh" hahaha..that its human,tak pernah cukup and bersyukur pada apa yang ada huh? adakah aku bersyukur dengan apa yang aku ada sekarang?syukur alhamdulillah,semoga dimurahkan lagi rezeki. :]
2 days more to go,playing with the fever mode,whatever i dont care,bored being like this..i found my own way to live for long time ago.But yet the sad part is no chance yet to do..when ya :( ..r u kidding me? yeah u can kidding me now but in the end it happen in fornt of myself u already knew the answer rite.. im not sacrifier for that yeah? r u sure.. okay i dont mind,glad to hear that u said im not sacrifier for u.. huh syukurlah,i knew it everything in a short time :] thanks Allah,u always guide me until the end of mylife yeah..bring me the passion and spirit along with me ya..i dowant to be alone with the spirit and passion.Anyone can leave and break me,but the spirit and passion wont go away from me.Live and Die for aviation™
Im down,1 subject failed..i need to wake up back alone.. come on u can do it!Hehe this is the place how to emo to my own self.Ramadhan is coming,my birthday is coming too.. i guess im find the place for me to sit alone and celebrate it :].Happy Birthday to all Virgo Friends,wishes u all the great day and life,may the dreams will come true yeah hehe :]
Yeah the war gonna start soon,4 days more to go.Here the underdogs team gonna show something unexpected performance :] ..oh well this few days im not feeling well,feel like gonna fever but unsure lol.Life goes on like normal,sometimes heart and feeling still thinking about someone there that i really love for so many years,just dunno when i can be yours or we just will be fine as a friend..hope she understand what im thinking and feel rite now :] ڸ٥ﻻ ﻉ√٥ﺎ ٱ
My heart and feeling still asking myself what should i do,its like for the 1st time my instinct keep quite didnt tell anything about you.What i know is i still like her,and what should i do? should i tell her the true..or just keep it secret..?